
12 October 2010

veggie lasagna- it's whats for dinner!

So yesterday I made a recipe I stumbled upon on google from http://vegetarian-hausfrau.blogspot.com/
Here's the recipe: black bean and spinach lasagna.

First of all I didn't get pictures of my finished product because we cut into it so quickly. The only changes I made were using a green pepper/mushroom pasta sauce and using less shredded cheese.

My review? Delicious! My vegetarian boyfriend went back for seconds and even requested it as something i make again. I was loving it because I can add another recipe that uses a bunch of cilantro to my list. I LOVE cilantro. Like, really, I've been teased about liking it so much. Also, pretty cost effective as we've both eaten leftovers from it a couple times and she provides directions for making 1/2 to freeze for later.

Now, back to Glee!

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